

Our story begins around 40 years ago with a vision of exemplary enthusiasm and commitment towards building a legacy. Syed Farhat Hussain with a few manual shearing, manual bending, manual presses, electric welding machines and electric drill machines set the path and Hussain & Co. was soon established as a dependable source of high grade product.

Today our advanced manufacturing techniques have enabled us to be the first choice for all industrial and domestic usage.

With Syed Raza Hussain as the Director Operations the company tackles challenges everyday to reduce inventories, improve customer satisfaction and reduce waste while maintaining and expanding business operations . Our strong client base is a result of dynamism and new energy of undertaking projects of any size and variety. Being a stakeholder himself, he packs a lot of dedication and verve to steer his team to the targeted goals. As a result, the company is now poised to make new strides by providing easier access to electrical and control panels as well as other allied products.